Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ride home

It was a fairly long 12 hour ride.

We stopped at Weeping Radish to get our supply to bring home. There was another NY car in the parking lot- downstate we learned. Apparently there had been some others before us stocking up. The man waiting on us is from Rochester and he recognized Bob's t-shirt. He makes the trip about 4 times a year to see his Mother. What a difference in our packing and shopping having the Saturn made!

The trip went well until we apparently misunderstood the GPS directions in Washington, DC. The high point was seeing the Washington Monument. The low point was trying to find gas within that same half hour. We survived and didn't have to really turn around and start over - somehow we ended up on the right road in the right direction.

We leave Wednesday for a few days at Coles Creek campground.

1 comment:

AnnaPK said...

Did you get the guy's name?