Friday, July 10, 2009

Going to the Crystal Coast

We are on our way to Atlantic Beach, NC. The area is known as the Crystal Coast, don't know why but we will find out. This is the first post I've made in a while, usually Kathy does this, and it is the first post sans RV. We are driving the Saturn to NC and will be staying in the condo instead of the RV this time. Made a stop and spent the night in Fredericksburg, VA last night. The traffic was not bad until we got on Rt. 95. Many spots we were only doing 15mph when we were lucky. The GPS was excellent though. It did take us around some of the traffic problems and we got to see many new sights and travel lots of new roads! Construction on RT. 81 through NY wasn't as bad as usual this time. The GPS sent us down the PA turnpike instead of 81 because of the delays and construction through PA though. We will post more entries and pictures from the Crystal Coast as long as we have internet access (not sure of that yet but I will find access somewhere).

1 comment:

AnnaPK said...

Set up the blog so you can post from your phone. Then you can always post!