Friday, January 23, 2009

The Train Funnel

Today we went to Folkston, Ga. The pamphlet says it’s the ‘Train Watchers Paradise’-up to 70 trains a day go through. They have a Train Watchers Platform complete with a radio monitor for the CSX. In addition to the platform there are picnic tables and a barbeque. We went to the restored depot museum (Bob was shocked to find calendars from the 1960’s labeled antiques). Then we walked over to the train watchers platform. A train had been through when we were in the museum so we figured we had some time and we walked around the corner to get some coffee. It was a little gift/coffee shop. There was a small group of women having coffee and a meeting (later I saw their Relay for Life folders). We ordered our coffee and looked around. As we were waiting someone asked us where we were from. To each answer we gave they wanted more specifics- of the group of six two of them were also from Northern NY! We got our coffee, chatted a little bit and went back to the train platform. While we were waiting for a train to go through people drove by and waved, one stopped and talked to us a little and gave us advice about where to camp and some things to see. In the hour we were there 3 trains went through and we heard one as we were leaving.
Folkston is southwest of Jekyll and just north of the Florida border. The drive there took us past miles of pine forests. The pine trees here are extremely tall and straight. We saw a few areas that had been clear cut but we also saw many fields of pines and each field was a different height. We saw a couple of trucks filled with cut trees and ready for pickup and we met several empty trucks returning.

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